Friday, March 27, 2009

InterDivison Basketball Competition.(Kuching Team)

heyyah everyone.this is the post from my last trip with the kuching basketball team to sarikei.
for those of you who dont know.kuching came in second.behind sibu who was the champion for the boys u 16.bintulu came in thrid and sarikei was 4th.
here are the pics from the doesnt include pics of any of us actually playing ball.haha.
and sorry. some of the pics are not rotated to their proper yeah. just tilt your head to the side or something.haha.enjoy!
we were at sarikei for a week and we had fun.xD..the pics below are not arranged in any order.they're just put there as they come in my computer.lols.

diinson,edgar,aaron and mark!
edgar,kevin,diinson,aaron and mark.
edgar,kevin,diinson,aaron and mark.
aaron..xD kuching division asst captain.haha
emo kevin.xD
diinson,mark,aaron edgarr~
kevin,mark,aaron,edgar.rajang riverrr
mark,edgar, aaron
kevin,mark, edgar, aaron
jouu an and kevinn
kevin and mark.haha
kevin and mark!
jou ann!
mark and reuben!
alvin,sze anddd nels!haha
coach and reuben in room.haha
nels ,kevin and mark!
closing ceremony..girls dancing.LOL
my own trophy from the competition.haha :)
nels and kuchings trophy!.xD. wearing miri teams shirt 09
sze,alvin and nels!haha
nels by rajang river :D
rajang river..see the houses opposite there?XD
stick man alvin by rajang river.haha
jerseys!.room 304 and 302.haha
jerseys being dried.xD
jon, jou ann and diinson~
mark,kevin jacques and aaron~
reuben,kevin, mark, jou ann and diinson~
sze and alvin.the tall talents! by rajang river! :D
rajang river!
alvin sleeping.haha
coach posing! :D
messin round in room 304
gar and mark gayy.xD
fun in 304?.the teamm!
crazy fun in room 304.hahahas!
crazy fun in room 304!xD
kuching team.most of us anyways. back : (left to right) aaron,reuben,mark,jou ann,alvin,sze ,jon
front : coach raymon,coach ming yao and kc!
opening ceremony~ division team captains and division flaggs~
opening ceremony~ division team captains and division flaggs~
coach ming yao, mark and reuben in our room.getting ready to play~
reuben and kc in our room~
opening ceremony~ flag raise~
diinsonnn~ sotong king.hahaha
aaron, coach ming yao and mark!
the team.most of us anyways.haha
my kuching dress..i mean shirt.xD(traded off for miri shirt :) )
opening ceremony~
opening ceremony~
opening ceremony~
opening ceremony~
reuben,coach ming yao.mark.kevin jacques~
coach raymond~
jon and gar.haha
gar garrr
alvin.taking a pic of me taking a pic of him.LOL
jou ann!
jou ann~~
coach raymond.jon.edgar.diison coach ming yao and reubenn
no..its not beer.LOL
alvin and jon. :D
the other half of kuching team.haha
the other alf of the team?haha
kevin kJ.haha
sze kevin KJ reuben~
reuben! hha
6am in room 304.haha room 304.xD
kevin kJ!
kevin! kJ!
sze and coachh!
coach eatingg.haha
reuben and that girl who i dont know.LOL
boredd in d
was boredddd
coach said.."this bed is mine!"
kc n sze and all our blue jerseys.haha
mark sleeping!=P
aaron sleeping!
he's pisssing! and i forgot how to spell his name.XD.kuching ref!.and tora player.
he's pissing...o.o
reuben sleepingggg!
in the bus?xD
hong and mark sleeping in the bus!
aaron(hong) and mark sleepin in the bus.haha
reuben and edgarrr! before training.haha
jou ann before trainingg.haha
kc sleeping during the long bus ride to sarikeii
jonn in the bus to sarikei.haha the bus to sarikei.haha

coach drinking outta the trophy!
drinking orange juice out of the trophy!xDcoach raymond receiving his gift from..the Kuching Boys u-16 team!
the team..before training.xD..darkk..
alviinn!! gila sex boy.xD
nels by the rajang river
from outside the room...our jersey's can be seen hanging to dry.XD
sms-ing in the lift?XD
Princeton coach and Kuching assistant coach,Coach Ming Yao and Princeton player and Kuching team player nels :D
jon trying to look like coach ming yao xD
coach raymond and reuben!
aaron(hong) and this is spooky..O.O
sze eating MEE..xD
nels and a hand and foot?O.O
CHARLES change sze hong.xD
SLEEPING outside the room.hahaha
posing outside the room~
sitting outside the room.
jon trying to look like coach ming yao.haha
jon and coach!
sleep!..not really.hahaha
not wanting to get up..
kc watching tv.haha
jon playing with his phone in bed.haha
getting readyy!
getting read for our game :D
coach playing with my phone!.haha
walking in the room?lool
nels + cube.lols~
jon sleeping with the monkeyy!
sleeping sze..mokey..and jon..hahahaha
nels and the lovable monkey xDDD
sze sleeping..monkey and jon.haha
sze woke up.haha..monkey and jon!
kc and the papers.haha
reading reuben..pura2 one!

sleeping sze xDnels + cube!
reuben and monkey..and book...LOL
nels n monkey...LOL
jon's bed.xD
nels ,sze ,kc ,reuben
kc and the monkey!
nels and the monkey!
jon and the monkey!
kc,mark,kev J and reubenn!
kc.mark.kevJ reuben and diison..all hang out in my room.RAWR!
mark and coach..LOL
jou ann,hong(aaron) . nels. kc. coach. jon jon :)
coach..early morning.haha
reuben n nels.xD
sze taking a leak.hahaha
dayummm thats big...o.o
reuben n diison~
diinson and kJ at opening~
nels coach ming yao and coach raymond.opening ceremony~
nellssss and szee
nelz sze and jon in our room.xD
sze and nelsss
coach and kc.haha
reuben , nels , jon
sze, coach , kc, reuben :)
jou ann.haha!
kc at the back and jou ann!!!!
coach ,nels, jou ann!

more pics will come soon as i have to wait for them to be sent to me..haha.the team pics are with kevin so yeah.and he's having his exams now so gotta wait :D

oh and vids..coming soon :D.
after my exams.LOL.if i remember.XD