Saturday, August 23, 2008


No past,no future. Just the moment.

Life's simple.You make choices and you dont look back.

If you and i defy gravity.It'll never bring us down.

Destiny is a choice.not chance.

You'll only succeed if you believe the beauty in your dreams.Dreams are free.So FREE your dreams.Dont be afraid to stand up and walk out of your history.Failure is only a minor setback and its only a stepping stone to success.So dont ever give up cause you'll never know how close you are to success.Failing is only a temporary state.Only giving up will make it permanent.Look forward to the future and dont look back.Dont let the past hold you back.Be who you are and say what you feel cause those who matter dont mind and those who mind dont matter.Dont care what the world says bout you.What they say or rather what they think bout you doesnt matter.They dont make you who you are.You do.You make the choices and you call the shots.So dont be afraid of dying.Be afraid you're life will never begin.You wont ever get the chance to decide when or HOW you're gonna die.But how you live and when you start living is entirely up to LIVE.Big shots are only little shots who keep on shooting.
Always have faith in what you do and hope for the best.He who has hope has EVERYTHING as hope is faith holding its hand out in the dark.While i breathe, i hope.You should too.
Dont be a stubborn ass.By letting go of you you are.You become who you might be.Or even who you WANT to be.Sometimes we have to let go of the life that we want the most to accept the life that is waiting for us.Always pick battle BIg enough to matter and SMALL enough to win.Dont think too far and dont waste time over small matters.Life isnt bout finding yourself.It never was.It has always been bout creating yourself.Making that special and unique person you were meant to be.A wise person never loses anything by being themselves.The best way to prepare for life is to start living it.Always be faithful in the small things in life because it is there where your strength lies.Well, sometimes.
Always Dream as if you'll live FOREVER and LIVE as if you'll die TODAY.
You'll have to dream so that your dream will come true.Facts wont matter if the dream is big enough.
Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.

-n3Lz- 08


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