Saturday, August 23, 2008

tagged by brennies!

1. How do you pronounce your name?
-Nelson (Nail Sun)xD or jus nelz

2. Do you like anyone?
-define like.xD

3. Who was the last person to text you?

4. Who was the last person who really had make you laugh?
-cant rmbr.xD

5. Do you think your last ex deserves to die?
-yes.ok fine.mayb not die.jus suffer.xD

6. Who was the last person you hung out with?

7. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
-zhi chong(lazyman)

8. Who was your last missed call on your cell phone?

9. Do you drink tea?

10. Are you happy?
-define happy.LOL

11. Is your room clean?
-VERY. (:

12. Has anyone got on your nerves lately?
-every single day of my freggin life

13. What was the last movie you saw and with who?
- tokyo drift.alone. T,T

14. Do you watch a lot of tv?
- yeah.spongebob.hahahaha

15. What are you wearing?
-petronas shirt and boxers.xD

16. Would you even dye your hair blonde?
-been there.done that.

17. Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?
-no..i slept with a frown on my face cos argentina lost to USA in the olympics bball.

18. Did you have a good day yesterday?
-not bad. not bad.

19. Are you talking to anyone?

20. Do you have friends?
-wtf?.wait..i think i do.=X

21. Last message and comment on friendster?

22. Status?
-tired.single.which status?!?!

23. Last song you heard?
-miley cyrus- 7 things

24. Who's the last person you hugged?
-angel TAN!.dont get the wrong person.

25. Anything bad happened today?
-not yet?

26. Currently?
- doing this thang.

27. What is the closest thing to you that is pink?
-a hot pink shirt.LOL

28. Is there a secret you never told your bestfriend?
-yesh..somethings were meant to be hidden frm the world.

29. Do you like to read?
-certain stories ..

30. Do you keep memories or try to forget them?
-i dont choose.they stay with me.forever.well..memorables one stay with me anyways.otehrs jus fade.xD

and i tag :

and any1 else who is free enough to do this.(:

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